Schooled Magazine
This Month's Issue

Spring 2010

Spring is here and Schooled has an awesome issue for you. Features in this issue include how to throw a mocktail party, tips on making the end of the semester move run smoothly, finding out if you’re one of of those “annoying texters,” how to throw the best bachelor or bachelorette party, eight steps for debt elimination, and tips for graduation.   Also, find the best housing in the valley with the annual housing guides top 5 picks.  And if you are looking for the perfect job this summer, you don’t want to miss the 2010 summer sales guide which helps you find the company that is right for you.


Check out the most recent addition to Schooled Magazine. This eye-catching issue is filled with helpful ideas and entertaining articles. Visit the past issues tab to download this amazing issue. Schooled Magazine is different than others you read because it’s more than just for the college students in the valley, it’s who the students are.

For the Students...

We know that Provo & Orem aren’t the stereotypes that they are always put out to be. There are so many interesting things out here that don’t have just one voice. We all have opinions, have different reactions to the hot topics of things happening around us and we are here for more than “just school.” At Schooled Magazine, we realize that if we are going to continue to entertain, challenge, and stimulate the minds of amazing students like you, we need to be more than just a magazine.

By the Students.

We need to be an open-minded, energetic, living, breathing, and culturally relevant experience that touches you each month. So over this next school year, be on the look out for Schooled Magazine. Be prepared to laugh with us, think with us, dine with us, shop with us, volunteer with us, protest with us, party with us, explore with us, write with us, and grow with us. Simply because we are more than stereotypical Utah, and so are you.